Christmas craft show


It’s been a busy last couple of weeks with selling at the Christmas Extravaganza in St. Thomas and putting together the custom monogram pillow orders. Pickup was today and I was excited to see these handmade things going to their new homes!! Congratulations also to Jenn Allen on winning the draw for a free pillow. She chose one of my favourites, the cream knitted pillow.  (You can see it in the photo above!) 


The remaining items from the craft show are posted here on my etsy shop for you to check out and most of them are one of a kind. Speaking of which, I’m very excited to be attending the One of a Kind show in Toronto for the first time this weekend.  If you’ve never heard of it,  it’s one of the biggest craft shows in Canada and all the vendors are artisans selling their own original designs in handmade goods, fashion and art. I can’t wait!! I’ll be sure to post about the awesome things I find there.  One of a Kind Toronto

There’s always so many new projects on the go, with Christmas on the doorstep it’s time for decorating the house and preparing to host friends and family. If you are interested in trying your hand at one of my hand painted gold pillows I’ll be posting a tutorial about that soon. They’re super fun to do and the paint adds that bit of glam needed for the holiday season. Until then (saying it for the first time this year) Merry Christmas!!  – Suzanne

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