summer endings & new beginnings


June was recovery and follow up from the big pillow order, July blasted past with going and coming to various little holidays with our family, and August seems to have disappeared before my very eyes. Isn’t that how our Canadian summers seem to go? I will drink in the last couple of warm days that September brings. But, oh… I do love fall. It might be my favourite season. I’m envisioning tall boots, warm socks, layered jackets, hats, bags, leaves, dampness and golden beauty all around. Gotta love fall.


And new beginnings! The London Etsy show is only a week away, is this not a great poster? Made by one of our local Etsy sellers, The Good Kid Clothing Co. So awesome.  I’m super excited and nervous at the same time. It’s the first Etsy show I’ve done so lots of new things to experience and new products to share for the first time. Square is up and running on my phone, new business cards will be printed next week and my new website is slowly coming together. I’ve been wanting to have a home site where you can read my blog, check out my products and contact me etc.  Check it out here. I’d love your feedback on the site, I’ve tried to organize it in a way that’s easy to navigate and find what you’re looking for. As you can imagine I’ve also been busy this summer downstairs in the workroom experimenting with new products and materials. Waxed canvas, leather, block printing, so many new things! Let me know what you think.



For you locals I’d love to see you at the show, there’s lots of amazing Etsy sellers participating so come check it out! Out-of-towners can watch for pics and updates on instagram and facebook. My own husband Paul is in the states for work so I’ll certainly be posting for him and the rest of you 🙂

Still got a bunch more sewing to do, thanks so much to my two amazing sewers Lindsay and Sarah for their beautiful work on the US and Canadian flag pillows. I’m finishing up a fresh batch of Union Jack and then on to waxed canvas bags and placemats. Almost there!


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