One year


This week marks one year since I started my blog, opened my etsy shop and stepped in to the business of making and selling. In some ways its unbelievable a year has already passed but when I think of all that has happened I am surprised it has happened in only one year!

It would be fair to say this has been the year of the pillow. Here is where I would insert my “Ode to the humble pillow” which I have been composing for some time now but its not quite finished, haha! This calender year I sold 189 of the hand-dyed flag pillows to individuals and to 17 stores in Canada, the US and Australia. Oh my! I certainly didn’t see that coming a year ago. Wholesaling my product, finding sewers to help me and suppliers to buy materials in bulk, has all required a lot of courage and hard work. Adding the new waxed canvas bags and participating in the Etsy made in Canada show have been great experiences. I could have never done it without the support of Paul, the girls (yes my girls spent hours ripping the fabric, cutting tags and snipping threads, not to mention keeping their littlest sister happy while Mom sewed more and more pillows) and many of you my customers and friends encouraging me along the way. Thank you!!

I decided to copy the pictures from the first post, maybe I’ll make it an October tradition to watch the girls grow from year to year. It’s been a grand adventure and I’m excited to see what the next year brings. To celebrate and say thank you I am giving away one of the hand-dyed Canadian flag pillows. Yay!! To enter the draw, follow this blog with the link at the bottom of the page and I’ll put your name in. Share with family and friends, I’ll be announcing the winner on Sunday morning. Good luck and happy Friday!!!


26 thoughts on “One year

  1. Bravo, Suzanne! Congratulations on a full year of harnessing your natural creativity into a business. Looking forward to seeing what you design and create in the years to come.


  2. Wow Suzanne .you have had a busy year .I’m so glad for you that your business has taken off .Good job .Can you enter my name in the draw .If my name is not drawn ,do you have any pillows left for sale ? Jane


  3. We’ve been enjoying your creations for several years! You are a talented and inspirational mama! Keep up the good work!


  4. Hello Suzanne! I’d love to be entered in the draw, I am a recent new fan of your work, and I wanted to say congratulations on it being a whole year! Your designs and creations are absolutely beautiful and I wish you the best of luck with everything else that will come up in the future! 🙂 you are so very talented!!!


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