Mitchell’s Soup Co.

Things have been a little quiet on the social media platforms so far this year, but don’t be led to believe I have been idle in any way. The opposite is in fact true and I’m excited to tell you all about some new happenings around here!

Last summer Paul began the new venture of starting up a business here in St. Thomas called Mitchell’s Soup Co. Although it has been growing rapidly in B. C. for the last 10 years he is partnering with the owner to bring production and sales to Ontario.

Why? Its a fabulous product! We fell in love with it several years ago and regularly have Mitchells soup on our weekly home menu. Full of healthy beans, grains and legumes, each soup contains all the spices and soup bases needed to make 8-10 servings. Having a large family of my own this is fabulous. Make one pot and get a full supper plus leftovers for lunches or the freezer.

As the company grew over the fall I become more and more involved. I love the new challenge of helping to set up the production facility, develop policy and procedures around the soup making and build and train our team of artisan soup makers.

Needless to say its has been a blast as well as lots of hard work to set up production, build wood stands (Yes Paul has been very busy in our shop making each one by hand) and grow our list of stores. We are fortunate to have many early successes, aside from many individual stores we are beginning to add in some large accounts like Sobey’s and Farmboy.

Most of all I am excited about the opportunity to be involved in the business as a way to learn new skills so I can apply them to my own business of textile design in the future. At the end of the day buying materials, making a product, selling to stores and putting the money back in to purchasing more materials is a cycle that exists whether its soup or handbags. Dang, I should make a soup bag and sell it to both our contacts…. haha!

I’m excited to see what lays ahead. On the sewing front I recently purchased an industrial sewing machine which gives me the ability to expand the materials I use. Think heavier fabrics and more durable seams. New projects will continue to be posted to etsy and my facebook/instagram pages so if you like it check it out right away as I will be producing limited runs.

Until next time, keep pursuing new adventures and be sure to eat lots of soup! Mitchell’s soup that is đŸ˜‰

– Suzanne

2 thoughts on “Mitchell’s Soup Co.

  1. I live in Petawawa Ontario. Where is the closest retail outlet to purchase your soups, especially Country chicken chowder, which my grandsons just love?


  2. It sells at the Urban Gourmet Co. Pembroke st. West in Pembroke. I believe thats the closest spot for you. And yes we do sell the Chicken Chowder in Ontario!


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