Soup season


Greetings friends, hope you have had a good summer! Things are going well, still keeping busy with Mitchell’s Soup Co. Lots of summer markets and soup making going on. We are now fully into soup season of course which is exciting. 

A little update on the sewing business, I have sold through the last of my remaining stock of pillows and purses over the summer. I have a lovely new store on Vancouver Island called Artifact that bought most of it and several pieces went to Distill as well. The Etsy shop is in vacation mode for now but I still have rolls of fabric in the corner and I just bought some fun new tools so I’m hoping to make some projects for my girls in the bit of spare time I can find.  It feels good to get back to the drawing board and challenge myself with some new projects. It takes a few tries usually but refining a project down till I’m satisfied is one of the best parts of the creative process. And some pieces take more refining than others!


Most of the time you’ll find me at Mitchell’s Soup, hairnet and all, amidst bags of beans and boxes of spices on a crash course towards business management and Canadian manufacturing. 🙂 It’s been amazing to have a hands on role in the development of the business. Watching sales cycles, production cycles, training and developing of the efficiency in our team, there’s so many moving pieces.  It’s quite the adventure, so lucky for Paul and I to get to work together and have our girls involved as well.


As usual, our annual October porch shot of the girls and I. My how everyone is growing, or else I’m shrinking…lol.

Always – Suzanne

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