There and back again

Our crew

Its been two years since my last post and two years as production manager at Mitchells Soup Co. What an adventure it has been! I worked to take the company from three days production with a small team of three people, to five days production and a team of twelve with multiple building renovations and expansions along the way.

We have been fortunate to have amazing opportutunities for growth and have been working hard just keeping up with it all. Our rate of change has been rapid and being small has made it possible for is to be nimble and pivot as needed. For example, for two years we spent lots of energy running a show and market strategy on top of our main wholesale business and now with the arrival of covid we are switching to online. We also began to ship all of our own product, giving our customers shorter turnarounds and eliminating our need for a Toronto warehouse.

Personally, it has been the perfect opportunity to learn more about business, production and team management. Figuring out solutions on the fly, organizing schedules and handling the flow of product are all skills needed for manufacturing of all kinds. I’m so proud of our team and the things we have achieved together. Its been a pleasure and I will miss seeing them all every day. Of course I will be not too far away, I have a thing going on with the President 😉

So then, what now? This fall I’m taking some time for family and to refuel, dabbling in some projects for our home. Sewing, some building, giving my spirit a chance to arouse and see what opportunities surface. I’ll be posting about various projects as they come to completion. I am appreciative of your feedback as this is a way for me to test out different ideas and see what resonates.

Hope you are enjoying these last days of mild weather before bundling up for winter, the coats are making their way back in to the closet at our house. I’m still hanging on with a hoodie and light jacket but it won’t last long!

A little updated October porch pic with the girls, till next time – Suzanne

2 thoughts on “There and back again

  1. Fantastic!! Great to hear how the business is going. You must be quite pleased with this venture. Good for you for taking on such a huge task AND succeeding at it – which is not surprising for you! Also great to see a pic of you and the girls. Say a big HELLO to Paul for me.


    1. Yes it has been quite the family adventure! Paul will be happy to hear from you, greeting back to your family from us 🙂


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