Tips for buying pre-loved

With the warm weather finally returning, it’s a great time to spruce up our summer wardrobe! I don’t know if you’re like me but I like to purchase clothing and accessories from all kinds of sources. Let’s be honest, most of us can’t afford to buy from the prestigious brands all the time so we have to fill out the rest of our wardrobe with more affordable pieces. Enter, the pre-loved option. Right now one of the biggest fashion trends out there. It’s been slowly growing over the last few years with backlash against unethical foreign labour and the vast accumulation of wasteful fast fashion. It’s now cool and responsible to buy second hand 🙂 – Here’s a few tips for buying pre-loved.

As a kid we were moderate second hand store shoppers. Growing up as 2nd of 4 children it always made sense to check there first and see if there was anything good before heading over to the big box stores. Not everyone loves to comb through the racks of mostly (lets be honest) less than desirable items. Not to mention the strange smell that seems to permeate everything. But for me there was something of a challenge presented that I could not pass up. Finding hidden gems amongst the rubble.

Now, second hand stores have come a long way from back then. Most of the items are curated at my local Goodwill with lovely racks presenting the best pieces at the front. So how do we find the good stuff without taking all day? And now that there is less stigma against wearing pre-loved, we can be open about where we found it. Over the years many of my favourite clothing items were found at a second hand store or passed on from a friend. Here’s a few pointers to get you started!

Tips for buying pre-loved

#1 – Mindset: Expect that you will find good things. I know this might sound hokey pokey but I’m pretty inspirational when it comes to second hand shopping. As in, I only go when I’m feeling inspired and excited. All the other times? It usually doesn’t work out and I don’t buy anything or end up buying something I never use. And yes I do donate second hand items back again, some things are meant to be used only for a time.

#2 – Go with your first instinct: I always make bad decisions when I try to convince myself a piece is better than it actually is. That “it’s actually not too bad”. Only buy it if you feel your heart singing and your eyes bulging!! Many times I have found a few great pieces off the bat and continue to select more just to keep the momentum going. I find myself never wearing the extra items because they really weren’t right for me.

#3 – Keep an open mind: My most successful finds have been on days when I walk in with minimal to no direction on what I’m looking for. When I have a specific piece in mind I usually fail at tip #2. Try to make the thing in my hand fit the idea in my mind. I always find the best pieces when I don’t have any particular goal and am just looking for stuff I like in general.

#4 – Stick with the light haul: There seems to be a principle of sharing at work in the world. I usually don’t find more than 2 items per trip. When I’m feeling inspired and seeing good things its tempting to take more than my fair share. It usually doesn’t work out. Take your two good things and leave the rest to others. This is good stewardship.

#5 – Love them and be grateful: We know we don’t deserve to get good stuff, living in North America we really do have more money than we need. This is part 2 to sticking with the light haul. Anything you find second hand with that $4 tag is really a gift we don’t deserve. Love the piece and let yourself feel lucky because that is what you are. God is smiling down on you right now.

Pre-loved Online

Maybe you don’t have access to good second hand stores or you feel you really don’t have the knack. Yes this is a real thing. A couple options for you, The wealthier neighbourhoods often have better selection so a drive across town may be worth it. Also, a large industry of sellers online are emerging. Especially helpful during a pandemic! Consider ThreadUp to buy used clothing or sell your own clothing. If you’re looking for specific high end brands at lower prices check out Rebag or for vintage lovers of classic American brands you’ll love Urban Renewal . Outdoor wear can be found at Patagonia’s own Worn Wear site, they even include pieces that have been re-crafted in to other clothing items. Pretty Amazing!

Hopefully you enjoyed these tips for buying pre-loved. Be inspired and open yourself up to more options that not only cost less but contribute to a better use of materials. Diversity rules baby. Enjoy those springtime rays!

Always, Suzanne

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