
Today we get to talk about classes. This is the first time I have offered classes on my projects. I’m super excited! These are taking place in person at the new store in St. Thomas, Ontario. I designed the space with a huge table specifically for gathering people together to create beautiful things. I’m scheduling three this summer with plans to include a danish cord weaving class in the fall. See below for class descriptions, these are all available to sign up on the site.

Continue reading “Classes”

New Christmas Products

With Christmas just around the corner I wanted to tell you about a few new things in stock. It’s been a busy fall collecting materials in the midst of covid with supply issues. Although some items won’t be here in time (terrazzo for the little tables…sob). Many other suppliers went over and above to get me the things I needed. Thank you Gordon Fabrics and The Clockery! I also made a few new things to fill in the gaps.

Continue reading “New Christmas Products”

One year


This week marks one year since I started my blog, opened my etsy shop and stepped in to the business of making and selling. In some ways its unbelievable a year has already passed but when I think of all that has happened I am surprised it has happened in only one year! Continue reading “One year”

Unexpected success

Everything for 20 Union Jack pillows – out the door we go!

Hello blogging world, the last several weeks have flown by in a blur! Promoting the pillows through Facebook, email and the previous blog post went unexpectedly well. Most exciting of all was when Annie Sloan shared the link to my blog on her Facebook page along with compliments about the pillows and my little models 😉 Oh my! Continue reading “Unexpected success”

The Trio


It was an exciting morning putting the finishing touches on the Canadian flag pillow. This is the third pillow cover design I have put together using Annie Sloan chalk paint to dye and stamp. So Awesome!  I love how the maple leaf has such strong texture from the stamping. Each pillow will be unique 🙂 Continue reading “The Trio”

Pottery 101


I jumped with some trepidation in to the world of pottery this month. I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous to try a new thing. Usually I’m super excited but as I began to research clays, glazes and kilns I felt myself sinking deeper and deeper to the point of being overwhelmed by all the technicalities. The world of pottery is a big place I’m telling you. I looked to the technical side of my brain and unfortunately didn’t find much there, sigh…oh well… you can’t be good at everything. I’m a creative rule breaker at heart but you really need to stick to the rules when it comes to high temperatures and possible explosions. Continue reading “Pottery 101”

fun little project


It had been sitting on my desk since the One of a Kind show at Christmas and this past week while Paul was away I finally took the opportunity to make my Kiriki horned owl. Of course I was in love with the packaging at first sight and the project inside was just as fun. As Goldilocks would say, “not too big and not too small, this one was just right”. Continue reading “fun little project”

lessons in manufacturing – part 2


Many thanks to all my blog readers for visiting and sharing these posts, I’m excited to say that WordPress has officially made my blog public as a result of recent traffic so it can be found by search engines! Awesome news! The Union Jack post alone had 272 views, an all time high. So exciting. 🙂 This has definitely been a “knee deep and loving it” kind of time for me, living the dream of making my items for small shops. Continue reading “lessons in manufacturing – part 2”